We want to spread information about our project. The first place is of course at our schools with the teachers/staff, students and parents.
We use eTwinning/Twinspace: Be Tolerant to communicate between the schools, share material, communicate, etc. This homepage is another way of spreading information.
We also have a Facebook group for our Erasmus+ Be Tolerant.
You can find our project on the Erasmus+ Project Result Platform.
We also created an E-book for our project.
Dissemination Italy
The IISS Patini Liberatore Castel Di Sangro’s homepage.
The IISS Patini Liberatore Castel Di Sangro’s Facebook page.
The IISS Patini Liberatore Castel Di Sangro’s Instagram page.

Dissemination Poland
The Zespol Szkol Technicznych Nr1’s homepage.
The Zespol Szkol Technicznych Nr1’s Facebook page.
Dissemination Portugal
The CLIB’s homepage.
The CLIB’s Facebook page.
Dissemination Sweden
An article about the project in the local newspaper Nerikes Allehanda on October 7th, 2019.
The Olaus Petriskolan 7-9 City’s homepage.
The Olaus Petriskolan 7-9 City’s Facebook page.
The Olaus Petriskolan 7-9 City’s Instagram account.
Dissemination Turkey
An article about our meeting in Adana 2019.
Presentation after the meeting in Portugal.
Magazine about Tolerance.
The Sehit Metin Malkav Secondary school’s homepage.
The Sehit Metin Malkav Secondary school’s Facebook page.
The Sehit Metin Malkav Secondary school’s Instagram page.